Dachspaws Story


We want everyone to be able to afford accessories for their dogs, and even with it being affordable, it must still be very good quality.  Every pet deserves to be spoilt and have the basic accessories.

Dachspaws was started October 2015 by Clarise & Carmen Marais.

The concept first started when we were struggling to find affordable, quality doggy products for our two four-legged kids, Limo and Lexi, they are Dachshunds, (and that is where our name comes from “Dachs from Dachshunds), that you will see in most of our product advertisements. So we decided to make it ourselves.

Clarise is a Dress Designer and Manufacturer. So we had all the needed equipment and sewing skills, so WHY NOT make it ourselves. After we saw how our dogs loved their items, and friends and family also wanted products for their dogs, the idea of making this into a business developed but also wanting to make it a funding aid for animal shelters in need. We wanted to give back out of this venture.

Carmen Marais is the brains behind this idea and our future Veterinarian. Because we have such a love for animals and one day want to open our own animal shelter together with Carmen’s Vet Practice, Dachspaws is our way of helping existing animal shelters and start to save for our own shelter.

Dachspaws has expanded with more products, and we try to make more and more products as we go. All products are handmade and definitely made with love for animals.


Dachspaws Products